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Internal Revenue Service

The U.S. government agency responsible for tax collection and tax law enforcement. Includes income tax forms, instructions, and agency publications.  Bartering IncomeBarter ExchangesBartering Tax Center

Dun-and-Bradstreet BarterScoop

Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet provides commercial data to businesses on credit history, business-to-business sales and marketing, risk exposure, supply chain management, lead scoring and social identity matching.  D&B

International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA)

IRTA foster the common interests of the commercial barter industry in the United States and worldwide, and to uphold high standards of ethical business practice. IRTA works with governmental agencies, the media and barter and complementary currency organizations across the globe to preserve, protect and enhance the industry.  IRTA

NATE BArterScoop

National Association of Trade Exchanges

NATE exists to promote, educate and train fellow exchanges in the barter industry. Dedicated to helping independently owned and operated exchanges prosper while upholding a formal standard of ethics and integrity used to maintain federal compliance’s and regulations.  NATE

TimeBanks BarterScoop


TimeBanking is a way of giving and receiving to build supportive networks and strong communities.  TimeBanks

Blockchain Logo


Blockchain is currently the provider of the world’s most popular Bitcoin wallet, the most widely used Bitcoin APIs, the most popular block explorer and search engine, and has what is widely recognized as the strongest, most trusted brand in Bitcoin. Experiencing a rapid expansion during the course of two years, Blockchain exploded from 100,000 users to over 3,500,000 users.  Blockchain

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